25 December 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

My second daughter led me to an important discovery a moment ago and I just have to blog this! You see I gave my first and second daughters similar Christmas gifts, and each toy is actually an educational toy using a handpump to demonstrate the law of physics. Zoe asks me to write her name on her handpump because she wants to differentiate hers with Emily's handpump. Emily upon hearing this asked for the same. Then it occurred to me that if I were to write their names on the handpumps, this will lead to a situation if any of the handpumps is broken, the owner will be disappointed and perhaps cry (my daughters are still small). The other won't give up her's so readily to share with her sister. I told them I won't be writing their names on their handpumps so that no one can claim anything, and they have to learn to share every toy.

In an analogy, God looks at us unidentified by our weaknesses or our strengths, our skin colour, our status, young or old, etc. To Him, we are all the same - to be forgiven of our sins and blessed to be in the Kingdom of God. But first, we have to be reconciled to God through His Son Jesus Christ who He had given us in this very special day. Jesus died for our sins to open the gates into God's Kingdom, and have everlasting eternal life in God. Now that's the greatest and one Christmas gift you and me won't let off!

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