16 October 2007

The existence of nothing

I came across a blog at http://www.bollywoodlyrics.com/cs/forums/p/1948/23693.aspx. Comments after comments are about the non-existence of God.

You don't believe in the existence of God = Jesus (this amounts to the existence of nothing). Neither did I until I saw through deceptions and schemes to keep me an unbeliever. I was thinking many gods, many ways to heaven, many ways to cleanse sins. That was until God humbled me and questioned my existence and place in this world. Looking for a reason or reasons, the answer had been knocking at my door all this while.

My existence is to live a godly life, though unworthy of it because of my sinful nature, but through me opening my heart's door to Jesus, I found that God can use me to be the salt and light of this dark world. The weak shall be strong, the homeless shall have a place, the destitute shall be made rich, the lepers shall be made whole. We are the light for the world, and this light is fueled by the love, mercy and compassion of Jesus Christ in our lives. Receive Him into your heart and then you'll truly know the existence of God inside you.

God is doing marvelous things in people. You be blessed with this knowledge and hunger.

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